123 Grades Nov 7-10

What do I read next?



click on the book cover illustration to see the library record



Check out last week's puzzlers and the mystery character!

(Name the mystery character and be entered in a prize drawing!)




Book of the Week



Although the title is silly, this book is definitely full of information about chickens. One clue is that even though the title sounds like a joke, the call number 636 is the address for information about animals that live on farms. (636.5 FEL)  




Book of the Week





It's that time of year. Henry and his big dog Mudge enjoy the autumn months, watching the leaves change colors, meeting Halloween spooks and sharing Thanksgiving dinner.  Click on Series Henry and Mudge books Find It.  We have 24 Henry and Mudge books! (ER RYL)  



Book of the Week




Author - illustrator Catherine Falwell cut shapes out of colored paper to make the pictures in this book. Count from 1-10 with this family as they work together to prepare a family feast. (E FAL)