1st Lessons 1-8



Information and Technology Skills


Informational Text

1.IN.1 Understand the difference between text read for enjoyment and text read for information.

  1. 1.IN.1.1 Classify text as nonfiction or fiction.


Sources of Information

1.SI.1 Recall useful sources of information.

  1. 1.SI.1.1 Identify various resources for information (e. g., print, audio-visual, electronic, people).
  2. 1.SI.1.2 Classify resources as relevant for a given purpose and/or topic.


Technology as a Tool

TT.1 Use technology tools and skills to reinforce classroom concepts and activities.

  1. 1.TT.1.1 Use a variety of technology tools to gather data and information (e.g., Web-based resources, e-books, online communication tools, etc.).
  2. 1.TT.1.2 Use a variety of technology tools to organize data and information (e.g., word processor, graphic organizer, audio and visual recording, online collaboration tools, etc.).
  3. 1.TT.1.3 Use technology tools to present data and information (multimedia, audio and visual recording, online collaboration tools, etc.).


Research Process

RP.1 Remember the steps of a simple (or simplified) research process.

     1.RP.1.1 Recognize the steps of a simple (or simplified) research process



English Language Arts

Craft and Structure

RL1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrates understanding of their central message or lesson

RL.5 Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide reading of a range of text types. 

RI1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.


Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.



1.RFS.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

  1. RFS.4.1 Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding.
  2. 1.RFS.4.2 Read grade-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression.


Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

1.RL.7 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events


Reading Information

RI1.2 Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.


Reading Literature

RL1.3 Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.

RL1.9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.


Lesson 1



We will...listen, read along, and sing along to I Got Two Dogs

Students will... write in their notebooks call number=the address of the book

Students will... independently and individually examine a fiction and nonfiction dog book.

Students will... individually classify each book as fiction or nonfiction to the teacher.

Students who... correctly classify the book will put a check by call number=the address of the book'

Students who... incorrectly classify the book will put a smiley face by call number=the address of the book

I will... collect the notebooks and record findings

Students will...circulate.


Lesson 2



I will...read Bark George, , showing text and pictures with the Elmo

Students will...identify story elements (classification, characters, setting, plot, author's purpose)

Students will...write in their notebooks (Story Elements, characters, setting, plot, author's purpose)

I will...read City Dog, Country Frog , showing text and pictures with the Elmo

Students will...identify story elements (classification,characters, setting, plot, author's purpose)

I will...read excerpts from Saint Bernards and Dogs

Students will classify the books (fiction, nonfiction) and explain why they made the choice

Students will...circulate.


Lesson 3



I will...read Imogene's Antlers showing text and pictures with the Elmo

Students will...identify story elements (classification, characters, setting, plot, author's purpose)

I will...read A Bad Case of Stripes, showing text and pictures with the Elmo

Students will...draw a Venn Diagram in their notebooks and compare and contrast the adventures and   experiences of characters in the stories

Students will...circulate.


Lesson 4



I will...read The Book That Eats People 

Students will...identify story elements (characters, setting, plot, author's purpose, main idea)

We will...read and sing The Thirteen Days of Halloween, viewing text and pictures with the Elmo

Students will...discuss origins of song (12 Days of Christmas)

I will...read Teeny Tiny

Students will...circulate.


Lesson 5



We will...discuss author's purpose and messages or  lessons in stories

Students will...list some reasons authors write

I will...read Elbert's Bad Word, showing pictures with the Elmo

Students will...identify the author's purpose and relay the message in the story

Students will...circulate.


Lesson 6



We will...discuss lesson objectives (defining excellence, fact v fiction, compare and contrast)

I will..explain the NCCBA process

We will...view the NCCBA video

I will...read Oh, No!

We will...discuss the difference between fact and fiction

We will...access NCWISEOWL and PebbleGo to research what a snake eats

I will...read Help! 

Students will...compare and contrast stories using a Venn Diagram

Students will...circulate.


Lesson 7



We will...discuss lesson objectives (defining excellence and simple research)

I will...read Just Ducks 

We will...discuss the difference between information and story

We will...access online databases, including PebbleGo to research ducks

Students will...draw a duck and write one fact about ducks 

Students will...circulate


Lesson 8



We will...review NCCBA and fact v fiction and discuss biography as a genre

I willl...read Me... Jane

We will...look at the cover of Patrick McDonnell's Me Jane

We will...link to the timeline, examine and discuss it

We will...find England and Africa on the map

We will...discuss animals that might be found in Africa

We will...visit Jane Goodall's webpage

Students will...write a list of animals in the jungle

Students will...circulate










good fit books


main idea



SOAR behavior
